PreArc for your current home

Could you do with some more space in your current house? Does the layout suit your family's needs? Before you commit to full architectural fees, why not get a quick sketch to unlock your home's potential!


Whether you’ve been in your home for 20 days or 20 years, at some point there comes a time that most homeowners feel that itch that their home does not quite suit their needs. Before you call the estate agent and start looking for your next property, why not get a quick sketch to see what potential changes you could make to your current home to make it perfect.  

PreArc is a ‘pre-architect’ service designed to provide you with a quick, flat-rate, outline sketch design to help you to visualise what you could achieve with your home, from which you can decide whether or not to continue with a project.

Our sketches aim to provide a starting point; a tool to help you to decide whether your aspirations are practical and from which to begin cost discussions with builders and tradesmen.

Perhaps you are in two minds about whether to sell your property. Not only will your PreArc sketch assist with these tough decisions, but if you do choose to sell, your sketch could aid in the sale of your home by showing future buyers the potential your home has to offer. 

So how does it work? Read on to find out!

Young beautiful happy family relaxing at home

The Process Explained

What's next after step 4?


If you live locally to PreArc HQ we’d love to take your scheme through to planning. You can find out which areas we service here, and we’ll be able to discuss this in more detail with you when we send out your sketch plan. If you’re further afield, we can give you some helpful hits and tips on how to appoint a local architect to continue the process. In some cases our sketch plan might be all a local building company needs to develop the planning application, building regulations package and construction drawings themselves.  

Let’s keep playing! Once you have received your initial free revision, we will provide you with a further flat-rate system for future revisions and design options.